The project has 5 nurseries run by women’s groups and schools. These groups give out trees to the local community, especially schools, for individual local people/villagers to plant around their homes. The project also aims to plant trees in all bare areas in the whole Monduli district
A. Schools tree project:-
Monduli Green works with local schools to stop deforestation by broviding students with trees to plant at their schools and at their homes. Monduli Green motivates students by providing prizes such as school uniforms, shoes, etc for the winners in the best trees competion.
B. Women's groups(Vikoba) tree project:-
We give out seedlings to local Vicoba (Village Community Banks) which are organisations of about 10-30 people who collectively save in order to set up small projects. After 6 months, we will pay a small stipend to the Vicoba for each healthy tree, and they can use this money to fund their projects. We have made contact with about 20 Vicoba and plan to raise 30,000 trees in the first year, giving out seedlings twice a year.
C. Individual/household tree project:-
We work with individual people/household by prividing them with trees to plant and visit the after 6 months/one year to decide who is doing best and give prizes to the winners.
D. Rural bare/eroded landscape project:-
Rural landscapes and socio- life are in constant changes due to emigrants in the village including climate change. Monduli Green aims to reduce or eliminate this problem in those areas where the land is left bare.

Watering a newly planted tree with the Head teacher of Mti Mmoja primary school

With Monduli Green's help Mti Mmoja primary school now have water to grow trees